Sunday, 22 January 2017

The Story of Flying From Heaven 2 History - Exploring The Historic Grand Pacific Hotel

As soon as we left Jean- Michel Cousteau Resort, Savusavu and left for Labasa airport to catch our Fiji Link flight ( Inter Island Domestic Airlines of Fiji Airways) to go to the Capital city of Fiji we all started talking about our next destination. I am sure after spending some amazing time at the some of the luxurious resort in past two days, our expectations have grown from down to super up. We started even communicating about the possibilities of what better it can be from here. We knew we are going to Mainland so we will have lots of new things on our way but never knew what it can be and how will it be?
In and around one and hour hours time we reached at the labasa airport from Savusavu. From far we felt is it an airport ? or they will take us to airport from here? I mean from any point of view it was not looked like an airport. Small terminal with basic facilities and really nothing special for me but I think it was sufficient for the needs of commuters. I was happy though it was small air strip and basic terminal but it had all the facilities to fulfil the basic needs of travellers. It had baggage trolley, refreshment counters, chairs to sit in waiting area and most important toilet facilities. I mean what else one need for a quick flight to get connected to the mainland.
Check in counter of Fiji Link Airlines @ Labasa airport 
Inside the Terminal of Labasa airport 
Waiting area at Labada Airport
Some Instructions about the items one can carry in hand baggage. 
Boarding Pass of  Fiji Link Airlines. 

 At the check in counter there were some doubts about the weight in our check in baggage but we managed it by taking some stuff out from it and kept it in the hand baggage to solve it. I think there was some issue with the weight machine and I advise everyone to take bit of care at the Labasa airport with Fiji Link.
Soon after our check in the flight arrived at the airstip and we were asked to board it without any security check with which we are so habitual by now. But like always Fijian people trust so much to their citizen and even to their guest ( tourist). As and when we entered in the aircraft of Fiji link I found some nice fragrance in the aircraft and yes it was kept very clean too.
Fiji Link Aircraft

 It was just above 30 minutes of flying and we were about to touch down the runway of Suva. Once again a cute little terminal where the loader pulled our luggage just in front of us from our aircraft and kept on the small conveyer belt. Soon after collecting our baggage we came out of the terminal and there were rains to welcome us. I found the perfect welcome as our local representative was waiting for us at the airport with his minivan and luggage carrier attached.

The best thing about the airport of Suva is, it is located at Nausori which is about 45 mins away from Suva. while going on our way at the Hotel Grand Pacific where we were going to stay that night. We passed through the beautiful coastline of the city of suva and we even saw the president house which is nicely located in front of the coastline and our hotel was just across the road of the president house.
Before we reached at the Hotel Grand Pacific we stopped at one of the unique location. The factory of the "PURE FIJI" products. It was the main factory and it also had the factory outlet attached. I mean what else you need when you are at the factory of Pure Fiji. Pure Fiji brings the best of the ancient traditions combined with advanced technology for today's natural body care. 
Factory of Pure Fiji in Suva

After spending some time for shopping of Pure Fiji product at the factory outlet. After a short ride from Factory we reached our next destination - "The Grand Pacific Hotel". One of the very first hotel established in Fiji. It has has a rich legacy attached with it. 
For the first time when it was made 23rd May 1914 by the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand to cater the requirement of superior accommodation in suva. It has hosted several notable celebrities like Sir Charles Kingsford  Smith, Dame Nellie Melba and most notable among all is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In 1953, a grand ball held in her honour and she even attached a state dinner in 1973.  The is a suite dedicated on her name called "Queen Elizabeth Suite".

1958 The union Steamship relinquished and new owners have taken over until 1980. After 1980 hotel started to decline with number of owners changs. Finally they closed the door of the hotel in 1990. 
in 2011 new management decided to open resurrection with joint venture between Fiji National Provident fund ,Papua New Guinea superannuation fund and Lamana Development PNG. After extensive research and sympathetic restoration of the heritage building they opened the door for the world in 2014.
Main Entrance of GPH
The management has done great work in keeping the colonial heritage look intact. The moment we stopped at the main entrance we got the feeling of entering into a colonial style building. I mean from names to the looks to the amenities are kept as it was at that time.
Arial View of the grand lobby at GPH

Reception area of GPH
  I think the rooms are just like any other 5 star hotel with beautiful view of the ocean and swimming pool. I think apart from history what makes this hotel worth staying is the location. The hotel is so well placed in front of the president house and centrally located in the city of Suva. Nothing is too far for you if you are staying at Grand Pacific hotel. I think because of the location and heritage value most of the state guest around world have been hosted at this beautiful hotel. They have a wall with pictures of the distinguished guest who have stayed at Grand Pacific Hotel in recent past.
View from The Room of GPH
Wall with Photograph of World leaders who stayed at GPH
To me, the most exciting and connected among all was the prime minister of India - Shri Narandra Modi. He stayed at the same hotel as was hosted as state guest for 2 days by the government of Fiji. He has spent almost 2 days at the hotel with his state dinner also was served in the prestigious restaurant of the Grand Pacific Hotel.We were fortunate to get to visit the room where Mr. Prime Minister was hosted during his visit.
Room Where Prime Minister of India Stayed at GPH
I guess the best part of the visit to Grand Pacific hotel was to enjoy the dinner at the same venue where Mr. Prime Minister was hosted a state dinner and eat the food cooked by the same chef who has cooked for Mr. Prime Minister.
Set up for the Hosted Dinner at Main restaurant of GPH
Dinner table Setup for our Hosted Dinner 

Traditional Drink "Kava" made with twist by the Executive Chef 
I think the visit to Suva "The Capital City" wouldn't have completed if you don't stay at The Grand Pacific hotel. I think coming from Private Island properties and after stayed at some of the ultra luxurious resort GPH might feel little different but it's the charm of the place which keep the place alive and worth staying. 

In my next blog I am going to talk about the most exciting adventurous sport I have experienced in natural terrain of the Fijian Forest. Also I will talk about my experience of staying at one of the most economical yet vibrant with location. The longest and most scenic coastal line we have experienced in Fiji till not.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

A day spent with nature's luxury Items and without artificail luxury items @ Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort -Fiji

After I left the Amazing resort of Namale I thought thatnow I will not like anything, I have so many days to spend with many resorts/ hotels to explore. Meanwhile we reached to local market of savusavu, which according to me was a very good opportunity to get to know the real Fijian lifestyle.
We went into the vegetable and local fish market adjacent to each other. We explored some of the local vegetables which I have never looked in person like different types of chillies ( I am not a fan of chillies though), eggplant (even though it's very common in India to get, still I think there was something in those eggplant which I have never noticed in Indian eggplant), Fresh catch of the day from the sea (now this was something I am advised to stay away due to allergy but still I wanted to look at it as I can't eat it), dry plant roots of Kava and yes lots and lots of local Fijian villagers were their to shop for coming weekend and as it was friday morning.

Just after we finished our local market and were on our way to Jean- Michel cousteau resort, the most luxurious eco friendly resort. I was looking at the houses on the way and wondering about the life without luxury. I mean the local people are so far away from even the basic luxury yet they were happy and enjoying life made me thought of this.
Suddenly our van stopped at the main entrance of Jean- Michel Cousteau Resort, we were welcomed very nicely by the front office staff of JMC with freshly made welcome drink. It was a very luxurious approach at the entrance. After the brief formalities of check in,  Ms. Ross from the front office team offered us a tour around the resort to understand the resort from nut shell. 

 After our check in process we were offered a very unique looking key which I would like to carry with me to my home but unfortunately I couldn't. But I was very amazed and was looking forward to explore the resort as the beginning was very exciting.

I was offered 2 bedroom beach front accommodation, so I was very excited to check out my room. The moment we started to go into our rooms we were told that there is no Air conditioning in the rooms and also there is no telephone line too. To our shock we were also told that there is no television in the room. We all were so confused and took a little step backward. I mean how can you expect us to stay in a luxury resort without Air Con, television and telephone. At that very moment Ms. Ross reminded us that we are in a most luxurious Eco friendly resort where they are trying to stay as close as possible to nature. Then she took us to the wing for kids where they have made separate section where kids are kept with nannies and buddies. The resort has policy of offering 1 nannie with every kid below 6 years and 1 buddy between 5 youngsters from 6 onward till 14 years. They have separate pool, dining area, playing area and all activity area, makes this resort as the best eco friendly, kids friendly and how to stay near to nature school. I just loved the whole concept of making kids stay away from parents to let them enjoy their vacation and privacy. At the same time kids are learning the importance of staying close to nature with lots of activities designed by keeping the kids in mind. 

By now my mind started thinking of the concept and I reached on the doorstep of my bure. It was amazingly built in style of real Fijian Bure where you have everything to satisfy the needs of every age group. It had very spacious bed room with attached kids bed room and nicely placed bathroom with separate door for direct entry and exit. Again very different and very unusual for me to see in any resort.

But here comes the moment of truth, No Air Condition in the room and it's summer time in Fiji. How will I spend my night in this room, I was worried as it was the highest humidity at that point of time. I am unable to spend even a minute without Air condition in my room. I decided to take shower may be I feel good after that and so I did the same. As it was noon time and we were asked to join for hosted the Lunch by the general manager Mr. Bart Simpson. The walk from my bure to the main restaurant was less than a minute but due to humidity I felt as if I never had shower since morning. I think more or less all of us in the group felt the same and during lunch one of us raised the same question to Mr. Simpson and I was so amazed to hear the answer from him. As per Mr. Simpson the real reason and the mission of this beautiful resort is it bring humans as close as possible to nature. They also want our coming generation "Our Kids" to learn how better and best we can leave even if we are away from so called basic requirements of life like Air Condition, television and telephone. He also gave us the brief about the various activities one can opt when they are at the resort like cooking at the tree house, kayaking, walking and learning at the organic farms of the resorts, spending some great time at the private island located just across the resort and in the middle of the ocean and the best one for which I think one should go to JMC is the Scuba Diving program. As the owner of the resort was the first one to jump in the water with Aqua - lung which was co - developed but the his father Mr. Jacques Cousteau. They also have different awareness programs about the marine life we are surrounded with and what we all should do to protect it. Moreover I was so surprised to know that JMC has appointed full time marine biologist, who prepares different programs for house guest and he also travels on different diving places where he answers all the questions of the guest. Mr. Johnny the marine biologist with Indian roots born in Fiji and studied in Australia is a perfect example of a real host. He always carries smile on his face with easy approach and no attitude at all. I think when you are at the resort Johnny should be the man you should stay maximum with as he is full of knowledge and very jolly person by nature.

After having the mouthwatering freshly cooked food we were asked to get ready for a tour on private island with Johnny. We were actually looking forward to it as it really sounded so amazing and luxurious. We reached on time at the resort's own jetty after changing into our swim wear. In some time we were on our way to the island and in about 15 minutes we reached at the private island. I think one of the best experience of our tour so far was to spend almost 2 hours at the island where we only 7 of us and 3 of the hotel staff to cater to our needs and look after us. I mean I have no words to explain the feeling and no photos to share. I think one should experience it by themselves once in a lifetime. 
After some time johnny got the message about the bad weather. We had to reach on time to the mainland so quickly we all set on the boat by which we arrived at the resort to return back to the mainland. Once we arrived we met with a beautiful Fijian lady Ms. Kitty who come to invite us for the hosted dinner at the beach side. 
Soon after changing we arrived at the dinner venue where Ms. Kitty and staff of JMC had made some amazing arrangements of Food with Music. The whole set up was mesmerising with sunset, drizzling rains, food and music. I am sure there wouldn't have been a better way to end this beautiful day spent at JMC. 
But wait the challenge of staying without Air condition for a night was still standing like a litmus test before me. But I was very hopeful that I will surely be able to stay as I was told that the bure are made in Fijian way where the ceilings are too highlighted and are made of dry grass which keeps the water intact in it and when the air passes through it, it gives us a cool breeze inside the bure. 
I don't know whether you will trust me or not but I experienced the same and didn't find the need of air condition. I was awake for almost the whole night due to my work which was a different reason but I am sure the need of Air condition was not felt even for a minute during the night. 
Next morning I was talking to one of my friend who had called me from USA and when I told him that I am staying in such Eco friendly luxurious property he wanted to know more about it and soon he is planning to take his kids to JMC as he wants his kids and himself to come little close to nature and also wants to learn how to survive without Air condition and television,telephone, video games, etc. 
While I was checking out I met Mr. Bart to inform him that he was so right and I was so wrong to judge his beautiful property. I really loved every minute spent at the resort and I think Jean- Michel Cousteau resort was the highlight of my tour. Even today given any opportunity I would like to go back and stay with my family for at least a week. We bid the adieu to JMC with lots of learning which I think was very important in life for everyone to learn. We also got some of the unforgettable moments captured in our memories which will stay always with us. 
As we parted our way from savusavu toward the main island viti levu, the capital of Fiji " Suva" was waiting for us. In between the journey by the Fiji link airlines was something worth trying and our experience of staying at the Hotel Grand Pacific - which has a long history and recent connection of our prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi attached to it. so read my next blog for more details.